In this episode, Dr. Charlotte Huntley discusses the concept of mastermind groups and introduces her own mastermind program for public health entrepreneurs. She explains that a mastermind group is a collaborative network of individuals within a certain field, such as public health. The purpose of a mastermind group is to share knowledge, resources, and support each other. Dr. Huntley highlights the importance of collaboration, networking, professional development, and accountability in a mastermind group. She provides details about her own mastermind program and encourages listeners to apply.
A mastermind group is a collaborative network of individuals within a certain field, such as public health, who come together to share knowledge, resources, and support each other.
Collaboration, networking, professional development, and accountability are key elements of a successful mastermind group.
Dr. Huntley's mastermind program for public health entrepreneurs offers high visibility strategies, virtual and in-person meetings, professional development opportunities, and accountability.
Enrollment for the mastermind program is open twice a year, in June and December, and interested individuals can apply through the program's website.
Resources For Public Health Entrepreneurs
Grab your copy of: Top 10 Tips For Finding Clients
Grab your copy of: Top 10 Tips For Getting Started
Submit a question you’d like us to answer on this podcast here.
Learn more about the Public Health Entrepreneurs Mastermind group program here.
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Whether you’re just getting started or you’ve been in public health consulting or other type of business for a while, we provide support for public health entrepreneurs through our podcast and mastermind group program. We serve public health entrepreneurs in South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and California as well as other parts of the United States and worldwide.